Monday, August 20, 2012

Global Warming!

Today we dug deeper into the issue of global warming. We're getting better at remembering facts and information and we used this video to help us practise.

In groups of 3 or 4 we stopped at intervals and completed these thinking maps. Thomas and Aidan W did a great job at recalling the information and recording it on their map.

Our big idea this for this term's inquiry is, 'We can make a difference to the world around us!' I can see from the comment in the 'How do I feel about this?' section that we have some work to do to convince someone that they CAN influence or make change, no matter how small. I like your honesty, boys.

How do you feel about global warming?

For a challenge - did you know that there are some people who don't believe that global warming is actually happening? You could ask you parents why...


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