Monday, September 17, 2012

Ben's Showme - Adding Fractions

Today Ben made a great showme about how to add fractions with different denominators! (That's the part at the bottom, remember?)

Nice work, Ben. You're a trail blazer! I wonder who else will share what they've learned in a way that can help others.

You can leave some comments below this post - did his showme help you? I think it's fantastic, Ben.


The White Family said...


Excellent - Not only how clearly you explained each step you did, but also being able to see the visual (you writing)to match all steps in your explaination - this makes it really easy to follow and understand.

I like that you didn't rush through the steps, as this makes it easier for the people you are teaching to grasp each stage and help it to stick in their minds too!! Great Job

Mrs White

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